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Persepolis Pre/Post-Revolutionary Norms Activity 

Part I Research

In groups, you will be responsible for researching one of the following areas:

  • Society in Iran—institutions such as schools, religion, families, and government

    • One group on pre-revolution norms

    • One group on post-revolution norms

  • Culture in Iran—movies, music, art, fashion 

    • One group on pre-revolution culture

    • One group on post-revolution culture


Part II PowerPoint Presentation

Each group will put together slides (three per person in your group, unless otherwise negotiated) for a formal presentation in class. These slides should be the basis for the information you relay to the rest of the class, but they should not just be slides with written material on them. Use color, pictures, clip art, and text to create an attractive and meaningful presentation. Don’t read your slides to us; rather, use notes to speak extemporaneously, or prerecord your narration. The time limit for the presentation is two minutes per person in your group unless otherwise negotiated, so plan your time wisely and rehearse your timings and presentation together. Your work will be assessed using the Presentation Rubric below. You will be assigned a group grade for your participation in the project. Place your slide show into your drive within the ENGII folder.

Culture: the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.


Society: people in general thought of as living together in organized communities with shared laws, traditions, and values. 


You will be researching post-revolutionary norms in Iran. This means you will be finding information regarding cultural or societal norms after 1979.



Society in Iran (post-Islamic Revolution) Group


Culture in Iran (post-Islamic Revolution) Group


You will be researching pre-revolutionary norms in Iran. This means you will be finding information regarding cultural or societal norms before 1979. 



Society in Iran (pre-Islamic Revolution) Group


Culture in Iran (pre-Islamic Revolution) Group


© 2016 by Jackie Duncan. Proudly created with

MRs. Duncan

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