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Welcome to Class!

GClass code: w5xwzwz


Group Projects

You will create and produce video shorts with groups that use real production elements. Each week another element will be introduced that you will build your skill sets.

Blizzard Bags

Go to Google Classroom for instructions as to how to proceed.

Review Rubric

Evaluation Criteria

The 4 Values


Film Terms

CINEMATOGRAPHY:  The photographic design and production of a film.  Basically, it's how the camera is used to tell or enhance the story or tone of the film. 


CINEMA VERITAE:  Literally, "filmed truth," the term refers to a sub-mode of participatory documentary in which hand-held cameras and unplanned photography are used to promote the idea that the film is not constructed.


DEEP FOCUS:  A camera setting that allows all objects (including background and foreground) to be in focus regardless of their relative distance from the camera.


DIACHRONIC ANALYSIS: Analyzing and evaluating films based on comparing them to all films and cultures across time.  In other words, an analysis that takes into consideration anything that happened or was produced before and after the film was released.  The opposite of a synchronic analysis


DIEGESIS/DIEGETIC:  These terms refer to what is "real" within the world of the film.  For example, music that is coming from a character's stereo which can be heard by the characters of the film is diegetic.  The soundtrack or score of a film which the characters cannot hear is non-diegetic (or not "real" in the film's world).


FOUR PILLARS:  The four things that film reflects about the time and place of its creation (technology, economics, sociology, and aesthetics).


GENERIC FRUSTRATION:  The feeling an audience gets from a film that doesn't match their expectations of the genre.


MISE-EN-SCENE:  Everything that is visible on the screen at any given time.  It sometimes applies to what is audible as well.


MONTAGE THEORY:  The idea that putting images in close proximity causes the viewer to create a connection between/among them.


SYNCHRONIC ANALYSIS:  Analyzing and evaluating films based on comparing them to films and culture of their own time.  In other words, an analysis that ignores everything that happened or was produced before or after the film was released.  The opposite of a diachronic analysis.


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